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When your head clears star star star halfstar emptystar

<br/>When your head clears, you find that you've lost track of the time. Just how many minutes has it been since the last time you replenished your air? And then your head clears the rest of the way: You aren't under water. <br/> <br/>Looking around, you discover that you're is what seems to be a storeroom -- lots of half-empty shelves. And something is moving. Looking closer you see what could of been at one stage human but now is a mixture of various aquatic animals and human. The creature has no neck; it's hard to tell where its head ends and its torso begins. It has a limb on its left side that's thicker and more substantial than a fish's fin, but doesn't look sturdy enough to be anything else; on its right side, it has an arm with deeply webbed fingers. <br/> <br/>It starts speaking "Are you here to close the portal?" <br/> <br/>

Written by Catprog & Cubist on 26 October 2010

Female "Which portal are you talking about?"

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