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To the Factory star star star emptystar emptystar

<br/>By now you are quite hungry and catch a meal and are back flying without anything major happening. You then spend the next 2 days travelling to the factory, getting more of your reading out of the way... Or where it was. When you arrive there is a large lake there. Of course: You were looking for a sort of assembly line which turned out magical artefacts that produce endless amounts of water... and the wizards have all gone away, it seems, so there would be nobody to keep an eye on the mechanisms, nobody to intervene if something went wrong. So if something had gone wrong... well, you'd be lucky if you only ended up with a lake, wouldn't you? Still, you have the water breathing spell to go under and see if you can stop the factory. <br/> <br/>

Written by Catprog & Cubist on 24 October 2010

Female Under the lake

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