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In the Village star star star emptystar emptystar

You keep circling and soon he come back and is carring what looks like an food offering along with other people carying food as well. Well, now: Either they're sneaky enough to try to make you lower your guard, or they're genuinely friendly. Checking on your last circuit over the village, you don't see anybody aiming missile weapons at you; that's what makes up your mind


As you land you hear 'Oh great sphinx, we beseech you to grant us the benefit of your wisdom!' A puzzle to solve? You're already interested! And they're properly respectful, too. The idiots who kept making messes of the computers you were in charge of never called you 'great one'—but they damn well should have!

Written by Catprog & Cubist on 15 October 2010

Female Eat the food

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