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The sun is already below the horizon when you're finished. Even if you weren't tired, you wouldn't want to fly at night, so this is an excellent time to sleep.


You sleep soundly and when you wake up you have gone back to your tauric form. You don't bother with the anthropomorphizing spell; you're going to be flying and hunting out in the open, after all. If you see any natives you want to talk to, it will be time enough to cast that spell; and if not, there's no point in it. You set your compass for the source of the river you're now investigating. Then you pad outside; sprint in the direction of that river; spread your wings... and fly!


You quickly climb to an altitude of a thousand feet; that should be high enough that there's nothing else to collide with. And after consulting your compass, you extract an atlas from your saddlebags and begin to read.

Written by Catprog & Cubist on 12 October 2010

Female In the Air

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