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You are vaguely aware that you're not heading for the tower, or even a well-lit tree. However, there is an enticing scent up ahead, a scent which draws you forward; you don't even want to go anywhere else. Somewhere in the back of your mind, part of you questions what you're doing, but it's very easy to ignore that part of you. Whatever rational aspects of your mind managed to avoid succumbing to the 'meat-drunkenness', that wonderful, glorious scent smothers them all! Time passes without your being particularly aware of it; eventually (a minute later? an hour? who can say?) you find the source of that aroma. It's a cat, and (your nose leaves you in no doubt whatsoever) it's very, very male. And it's looking for a mate.


If you were in your right mind, you might recognize it as a feline in the cougar family. As it stands, you don't recognize much of anything but pure animal pleasure... because thanks to your miscast spells, you, too, are in heat. And both you and the male do what comes naturally in such situations.


Time loses all meaning...



Written by Catprog & Cubist on 07 October 2010

The end (for now)

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