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Maybe they are only part of the problem? You review the documentation of the 'water gateway' project. Nothing stands out as a reason for it to have gone wrong... wait. There's a passage about how this is completely unprecedented—never before has there been this many dimensional gateways, all connected to the same destination, all working at the same time! So: What happens when millions of identical spells are all working simultaneously? Could there be any unintended side-effects? If there are, those side-effects would never have been able to occur before, because this is the first time it's ever happened...


That many holes between the worlds in one place. Could they open an even bigger hole? You aren't entirely sure of the details, but it sounds right to your instincts. So the gateway devices are, collectively, bringing down much more water than they were ever meant to.

Written by Catprog + Cubist on 03 October 2010

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