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You growl in annoyance before you re-cast the anthropomorphising spell from Alterations Animalian. Fortunately, it doesn't tax your energy as heavily as it had the first time; only as much as running a kilometre, maybe just a half-mile. You are quite hungry, though... and the thought of hunting makes your mouth water. Just have to avoid blue deer. Mind you, that deer did taste pretty good—and with the magic-cancelling spell, why not?


You pad outside and are quickly aloft, scanning your surroundings for your next meal... there! Some movement—rabbit-sized—you swoop down and snatch it as you zoom by. It turns out to be a bear, just an very small one with two tails. You gobble it down, unconcerned about getting blood on your fur. It made a good appetiser; you lick your lips as you gain altitude, looking for the main course. And after several pleasant minutes of cruising…

Written by Catprog & Cubist on 27 September 2010

Giant Deer

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