Compare the views
You pad downstairs on your two feline feet. And sure enough, when you compare the two ocean views, the shadows are at significantly different angles! There must be a portal somewhere between the ocean views! Now, why would the wizard who built this tower have gone to the trouble of setting that up? You happen to have a book of local history in your saddlebags—no, the bags became a backpack when you turned yourself anthro. Either way, you've got the book, so you find a place in the sun to read it.
You find out he had a marketplace selling items in many villages but most of them got flooded by the ocean and he finally gave up moving and retired. And looking out over the downstairs view, you can see a cluster of old, weathered wooden structures, just barely sticking up out of the water... the roofs of the drowned village?
Why would this world's mages have allowed a village to be flooded out? The book you're reading doesn't provide anything more than mysterious hints; the author seems to have thought that all of their readers would be aware of the relevant facts, so they didn't go into any great detail about this catastrophe. You get up and stretch some kinks out of your back, then return to the library.
Written by Catprog & Cubist on 23 September 2010