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Still, an hour in a humanoid form is better then no time at all. And you can always re-cast the spell as you feel like it.


You cast the spell and your forelegs disappear; your human and lioness torsos retract into one another, leaving you with only one torso, of more or less human size. You retain your wings, but as for the rest, you are an anthropomorphic lioness. However, the spell seems to have taken a bit out of you; you're as tired as if you'd just finished running a mile. You probably don't want to cast spells that powerful more then once or twice a day. Mental note: Find a way to increase the duration of this spell, you think to yourself. But for now, rest and enjoy the scenery.


The tower is in a place of great natural beauty; to the west, back the way you originally flew in here, you have a breathtaking view of a mountain pass. To the south and east, you can actually see the ocean! It's a good deal further away here than it was when you saw it from that room a couple of floors down... hmm...

Written by Catprog & Cubist on 22 September 2010

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