Sphinxes being part-cat, it's hardly unexpected that curiosity spurs you to pad on over to examine the odd milking machine more closely. But the moment you step into its cell, it activates! The hoses reach for your belly, where your udder would be if you were a cow, and you flap away. Of cause this is right into the roof. you are stunned and crash partially through the wall.
When you recover you notice your front legs are now looking a lot more eagle like and your hair—what was left of it, on your head—has been replaced by feathers. And the hoses are still coming for you!
Luckily this time you are able to run out of the reach and avoid them. The hoses stretch out as if they could still sense you but they cannot reach outside the cell and you breath a sigh of relief.
Written by Catprog & Cubist on 13 September 2010