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Mother of God... star star star star emptystar

You look around for a moment, then reply with a smirk "Theotokos will do. Now, if you'll give me a moment, me and the hammer have to get introduced."


Picking up the chisel and round hammer, you tinker with a block of shale while your guide looks on, giving an occasional well-meaning if not blatantly obvious hint as to the technique to be using. After a few minutes, you can feel your muscles tightening up, not quite used to the repetitive, harsh impact of menial labor. At least you'll keep your figure, you think to yourself until the silence is broken by a liquid voice, masculine in its undertones.


"You must be the other suit who arrived this day!"


"And there's someone in the suit too, his... her name's..."


You pause as you look at the new arrival, a tall, handsome black male, built like a god and as sharp-featured as a work of art.


"...something. Is there anybody under that six-pack?"

Written by Craven on 29 May 2010

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