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Gold Dragon star star star emptystar emptystar

The glass room suddenly disappears, to be replaced by a thick forest.


You examine your new body, which is covered in gold, inpenetrable scales. They look resistant enough to deflect a sword, arrow or anything else short of modern weaponry.


Your size is around an average human and your fingers end in short, sharp, claws. Your teeth are also sharp, which, combined with your strong jaws, seem capable of ripping meat and snapping bone.


You experimentally breathe a tongue of fire, which feels hot enough to melt metal, though you yourself are immune to it. Overall, it looks as though fighting will not be a problem.


Your wings seem capable of sustaining flight for a few hours, longer if you glide. You estimate that you can travel between two cities in a quarter of a day.


After examining yourself, you note that a mountain range lies on one side and a path leads in the opposite direction.


Which way do you go?

Written by drakrrth on 06 December 2008

Both Go towards mountains

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