In the mist, you find... mist.
You're excited at first; you're bouncing off into the mists for the first time, on your own, facing mysterious dangers for equally mysterious treasure! This is the sort of adventure you only read about as a human! You're ready to take on anything that comes at you!
After an hour or two, you start to get bored. There is nothing in the mist. All you can see is the grass under your paws - thin, greyish stuff that doesn't look particularly appetising even before you jump on it. You hop along less eagerly than before. The ground goes up and down, up and down, and remains exactly the same.
No one's sure exactly what the land in the mists is like. It seems to be different every time. The otter who taught you navigation once set off due west and immediately reached a lake; he swam across it, having all sorts of adventures in the water that he never tired of retelling to everyone at the camp. A few months later, he went due west again and came to a mountain instead. The land seems to change when no one's watching.
You're just thinking what rotten luck it is that it decided to be boring this time, just for you, when something looms out of the mists up ahead.
Written by Chrysalis on 21 November 2008