Down by the Water
With nothing better to do, you decide to go see the lions at the water hole. It might not be the brightest thing to do - you are a prey animal now, sort of - but they're the only things in sight that aren't plants. Maybe they'll be able to tell you where you are. Besides, you're thirsty after your transformation.
As you get closer, you can see that all the lions around the pool have manes, so they must be males. They are all wearing bathing suits and lounging around like sunbathers at a beach. One of them looks up as you approach.
"Hey, guys, it's a giraffe!"
The others blink lazily. Some of them even move their heads to look at you.
"Hey, you're right!"
"Haven't seen one of those in ages!"
"Ya new here, stretchy?"
"How ya doin'?"
"Want a drink?"
Lions may eat giraffes in the wild (when they can catch them), but these ones seem harmless enough. Apart from the extra hair, they wouldn't seem out of place on an ordinary beach. As far as you can tell, they're humans - ex-humans - like you. They don't seem at all dangerous. Most of them are barely awake.
Something still seems odd. You can't quite put your hoof on it... Now that you're here, though, it can't hurt to take a drink.
Written by Chrysalis on 06 April 2008