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Kitsune star star star emptystar emptystar

You grab the Kitsune costume.


All of a sudden every other costume disappears.


As there is nothing else to do you put on the costume that you grabbed.


As you look at it you release it is a Kitsune.


The changes start almost immediately as a mirror appears for you to watch the transformation.


The tails suddenly gain more mass and you can feel them.


Your body then bonds to your fur and you can feel the air rushing through your fur.


You feel your mouth and nose stretch into your muzzle.


You go blind temporally as your eyes change.


Since the costume was male, you anticipate what comes next, but it's still a shock for you. There is a pulling sensation in your groin, and you look down just in time to watch the new organs form. As you are looking down, you notice your breast disappear. The final changes take place as your hips shrink and your smooth brown hair shortens and becomes reds.


The last are your ears moving up and become pointy like a fox's.


Finally, it's done, and you are a handsome kitsune.

Illustrated by Rei98

Written by Catprog on 01 March 2004

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