Come Again?!
You repeat, "Whomever dons this is the destroyer of worlds."
You realize this may not be a game after all, but the true nature of the costumes. No matter how any of the costumes go, they always seem to end or resolve by doing something to make the costume permanent. No, you see the finality. This costume is unlike the rest because it doesn't create a permanence of the body, it afflicts your soul and core being.
All other costumes are gone. You realize you either destroy the world by donning this costume or leave creation alone.
You simply utter, "No way."
"But it is ultimate power: the power to destroy and create in your own image."
You turn to see the wizard. You look at the clothing in your hand and drop it to the ground. "It's too much. No one should have that kind of power."
"Nonsense, this is a game." the wizard looks at you and then the clothing. "Take it." He motions to it and smiles. "It's easy."
"Too easy." You move away from the clothing.
"Do you know the story of Leviathan?" He turns and looks from you. "The Behemoth and Leviathan were two names for the same beast. The Behemoth was castrated and laid to rest." he pauses and turns to point at the lacy one-piece, "Leviathan was struck down." He looks to you and says, "But she wants, yearns, desires beyond all things, to be taken by Behemoth."
You eye him quizzicaly and ask cautiously, "Why?"
"To destroy the universe and remake it in her image." He looks to you and smiles. "She would remake you in her image. Give you all you ever wanted and desired. Make your her incarnation." He moves toward you. "Sure?"
You shake your head.
He smiles, "Congratulations." he holds his hand out to you. "To be a wizard, all one must desire is power. To be truly great," he holds up a finger and points to you, "one must be noble and seek wisdom. I sense great potential in you. You could replace me, in time." he smiles to himself, "Yes, you could replace me just fine."
You look to him and nod solemnly. "I'm ready."
He chuckles and laughs at you, "No you are not!" he chuckles again, "But I will indeed teach you all I know before my time is through."
You ask hesitantly, "You are dying?"
"I should think not!" You move back as his voice booms thunderously in response to your query before he coughs and chuckles again. He warmly smiles to you. You actually feel a sense of love from him. he picks up the garment from the floor and puts it back in the fishbowl where it starts to swim around. He calmly offers up, "Retiring, my apprentice." he raises as finger and turns back to you before adding in unison to you, "After your training."
"So where you retiring to, Old Man?"
"I don't know. St. Louis, maybe?" He shakes his head, "Always wanted to go to the big city, maybe near a university town, and open up a shop."
You jokingly state, "Yeah? And what would the name be? Spells-R-Us?"
"Yeah." He smiles and nods his head approvingly. "Not bad. Sounds good on the tongue. A little mischief. Maybe a little justice here and there. The odd costume transformation..." He smiles as he loses himself in thought before turning towards you and stating, "This could be a rather interesting relationship, I believe."
Written by minerva on 23 January 2008
The end (for now)