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Something fun emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

"Something fun"
"how about water balloon conjuring?"
"Close your eyes again"
You close your eyes.
"Picture a water balloon pooping into existence above your head"
you picture a big water balloon over Hitsokas head
nothing happens
"I'm trying"
"Well try harder"
You try harder and suddenly feel wet.
"why did I get wet?"
"The ballon was over your head"
"but I pictured it over yours"
"It probably bounced of my shield"
"Sorry I just had to pull the prank on you. Kitsune are notorious pranksters"
"closes my eyes and thinks about a pie flying at him"
You open your eyes but you don't see the pie on your body or his.
You look around but still see no pie.
You look at him "who did I hit"
"My shield. I just got it up. Your eyes closing were a big clue."
"what now"
"wanna go on a date"
"sure. But first make a water balloon in this basin"
You try to and manage to get a water balloon but it is empty. However your eyes were open.
"Cool" you say.
"Keep practising and you might be able to do both of them with your eyes open by tonight on our date"
You try to make a water balloon over his head.
A empty water balloon lands on his head.
you frown.
"How about I pick you up at 7 tonight for our date" he asks you , missing the ballon on his head.
Where are we going?

Written by haladur on 03 January 2008

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