Introductions and then party
Isamu realise that you are late and after a quick introduction to the 4 store-owners he takes you to the village centre for the party.
You smile at seeing all the single male kitsunes around the place.
"be careful" Isamu says " if you get preagent then male costumes won't work for you. Also if you are planing on leaving at the end of the week then make sure you tell them before they get too attached."
you smile "don't worry I am staying and can I make this suit permanent?"
"There are some places in each world where that can be done. However as our normal form is anthro your mind will be overwritten. You could just not get another costume which would do the same thing"
"can you show me tomorrow?" you ask.
"you mean you want your mind to be overwritten?" he replies.
you nod.
"we'll see"
you smile.
"now off to the party with you"
Written by haladur on 02 January 2008