Little dragons on the hillside
The little dragon girl turns to look at you. "What?"
"I can't watch the pool either!" you blurt.
"Why not?"
You realize you have only a vague idea about how to do what you're planning, so you give it your best shot. Thinking hot thoughts, you raise your head and blow into the girl's eyes.
Success! Hot fire leaps from your mouth, not burning either of you, but blinding her for a few precious seconds - which you use to run over to the edge of the cliff, point your muzzle into the valley below, and blow as hard as you can.
There is a surprisingly deep roar as the valley fills with your inner fire, turning the short spring into high summer. It feels so great you barely notice your body shrinking, squeezing fire from its deepest recesses. So good you almost forget to stop...
Suddenly a pair of small arms grab you from behind, and hands push your muzzle up and shut your mouth. You choke on the last burst of fire and cough a bit before you can speak again.
"Because," you wheeze triumphantly, "I am too young too!"
And you are too. Looking at the girl (it was her grabbing you of course, and you must admit that felt kind of good too) you realize you're even smaller than her.
"You're hopeless!" she sighs. "We can't just leave the pool unat... unat... with no one there! You wanted to play? Now we have to play find a grownup who knows about respo..."
"Whatever. I'm surprised you know the word!"
Written by Won-Tolla on 21 November 2007
The end (for now)