In the Forests of the Night
The room is lost in a tangle of vines and shrubbery. Tottering about on your digitigrade feline legs, you fall to paws and knees as the air temperature rises significantly, causing your tongue to loll out of your muzzle as you start panting.
You pat yourself over. You're... furry. And feline! REALITY IS BROKEN!
*Really* broken, as you discover when you get the hang of walking, only to stumble out of the edge of a jungle onto a genuine African Savanna. You only know it's Africa from the presence of a herd of elephants far off in the distance. Other than that, they're the only living creatures you can see. Maybe there's a scraggly tree here or a scraggly bush there, but that's it.
You don't know where exactly in Africa you are. You don't know what you're doing here in the first place. Most of all, you don't know what you're doing here in the first place as an *anthropomorphic tiger.* There are only two certainties. One: the savanna will not have mercy on you, and Two: the more you can remember from the signboard at the beginning of the strange costume complex, the greater chance you'll have to survive.
Written by Mr.Peaches on 28 June 2007