Oh Boy... Aw Man...
Backing away slowly, you head back into the darkness of the cave, keeping the legendary Pokemon in your view. As much as you like the poetic belief that in the Pokemon universe, everything works out in the end for the good guy, which, as a poster on an online interactive story you almost certainly are, waking up something big that's asleep is almost never a good idea. Step by step your recently transfigured feet go...
"DUUUUUUDE!" Letting loose his surfer-voiced battle cry, a Geodude lying rock-like on the ground rises up and starts pummeling you with fists of... rock.
"OW! OW! OW!" Your cries echo around the cave as you swat the rocky thing away. Alas, it keeps coming back to antagonize you!
"BEGONE, YOU SMELLY FIEND OF SATANNNN!" Grabbing it in your winglike hand you huck it at the ceiling, where it is knocked out. A deafening chorus of shrieking emerges as Zubats and Golbats by the hundreds fly startled out of some crevice in the ceiling. The cave vibrates with sound for some minutes afterwards.
Needless to say, when you turn around again and check on Lugia, it's wide awake and looking you over. Your move, you clutz.
Written by Mr.Peaches on 20 June 2007
The end (for now)