Turtle Power!
Lo, the room is gone, and you reside in the sewers, yea, the sewers of New York. Wait... is that where the turtles live? I think so. Anyway, you're in the sewers. Mercifully, you're alone in the old abandoned train station that they call home. I mean, what would you say to *the* TMNTs? You can't even properly adore them, either, since you happen to *be* one!
This is some serious metaphysical shizznit.
"Oh man... aw geez..." You stare at your clunky hands and try not to flip out. Lo, from the shadows emerges a furry and rodential form.
"Donatello, my son. I sense you are troubled." It's Splinter! *The* splinter! OMG OMG! What do you say! What do you say in a moment like this?!?
Written by Mr.Peaches on 20 June 2007
The end (for now)