Wings and Hooves 'N Stuff
The room is painted with a rocky, craggy path seemingly leading off around a corner of dark and jagged stone, but it is an illusion; you touch the wall with your hands when you try to follow. It's cold, here; snow falls from the very ceiling; not flakes of ice that a man-made machine would spit out, but crystalline flakes. Suddenly, it occurs to you that this whole insane scenario might be far more real than it seemed when you arrived.
Re-viewing the little golden female symbol above the door, you scowl. Who cares that much about gender, other than fetishists? Then you think, maybe this place was *built* by fetishists, and you shudder in dread.
You pick up the costumes and riffle through the pieces. Which one? Why? And did they really mean you'd have to be a girl? Ugh... Finally, you opt for a silky white fursuit with a pair of stuffed, gold spray-painted wings on the back.
You zip up the cold zipper. The suit comes up to your neck, so from the neck up you're human- GREAT SCOT! The suit latches to your flesh and squeezes! Your hooves pop out and clatter upon the ground as your new hairy tail follows suit, swatting snow out of the air like sub-zero flies! Heat on your neck marks the crawling advance of the suit as your ears stiffen and migrate, and your face cracks and snaps out into a wide-nostriled mare's!
"REE-HEE-HEE-HEE-HEE!" You whinny! Wings erupt from your back like violent petals. In the snow, you shake your flanks off as the world goes slowly white...
The white clears, revealing an idyllic meadow leading to a green mountainside. Up on a hill some five miles hence, a Greek-style temple is perched. So, what... is this Ancient Greece?
Modern Greece? Fictional Greece? Is it Greece at all? Staggering around on your two hooves, flexing your "hands" idly, you realize that in this hodgepodge of madness you've landed in, you'll have to make a strong decision to make heads or hooves of it.
Written by Mr.Peaches on 31 May 2007