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“You see… Humans are aggressive. Maybe if you’ve met some of them before, you may already know.” You mentioned. “We’re going to have no choice but to attack.” You mentioned. A silence fell over all the other seals, but they knew exactly what you were talking about.
Honestly, it struck you a bit- their readiness to attack- but now that you think about it, how could you have even known about the humans, what they could be doing, and what things you could do to be able to actually cary out what you were trying to do.
Regardless, it did feel like you had made some kind of breakthrough with everything, therefore, you were completely sure about your final decision when you made it.
“Okay. Well let’s discuss some plans.” The much larger seal- their leader- suggested. With that, you did exactly that. Of course, everyone had some good ideas, but at this point, you still had to figure out exactly what your plan of attack would be

Written by Drifting Dragon on 29 December 2023

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