Right now!
“We leave tonight!” You mentioned, not really giving all too much thought into it. Just as hasty as you always were, you figured that there’s no better time than now. You and him concluded your plans swiftly and ended up heading out right then and there. Of course, you were a Selkie, you didn’t particularly have any ovens or irons you needed turning off before you left on your next adventure!
That was it, the adventure was in your blood and you were off deep down into the depths with the leader. The two of you swam around under water trying to recreate that feeling he had gotten once before, what seemed like so long ago.
Down underneath the icy caverns, you found yourself presented with some kinds of ice caves. They were large and daunting and ominous as you two swam around the mouth of it, gesturing to each other that you both were going to enter and soon the two of you found yourselves in some kind of massive cave underneath the ice. You both snuck down into the pit, making sure to remain quiet as you entered.
“We need to go soon. We’ve recently gotten word from our spy that our time is near. I know you all have been hungry, but now after waiting so long, the stars have aligned, we will once again prove ourselves as the kings and queens of the ocean.” A whole crowd of orcas gathered together chirping and swimming around happily in this massive and beautiful underground pool. You both slid onto the slick ice where you knew you wouldn’t be seen and behind a massive icicle sticking up from the icy surface and continued to listen in on the group. “Wait… Someone’s here.” The voice called out, suddenly, the waters started to swish with activity as the others started searching around. “They’re near, I can feel them.” The largest orca concluded. “Watch the surfaces, they won’t be able to get past us now that we’re on high alert.” He warned.
The sentiment struck fear into your heart and you figured you’d probably just wait things out but the leader looked even more on edge than you had. You had picked up from him that the both of you were in grave danger. Neither of you dared to exchange a word with the other and the air was so tense that you could have cut it with your fins. You figured that you couldn’t hide forever.
“Hey look! There they are!” you heard a voice calling out and soon the ice beneath you started getting rattled by hard powerful head bumps from the entire pod of orcas. The two of you spat curse words at each other and it took everything you had to not freak out but before long, the ice started to shatter underneath you. You felt a powerful chomp down on your tail fin and you could feel yourself being pulled down so deep beneath the surface that for you, the end was quite quick. Though, you knew it was for the better- you’ve seen those videos about what orcas do to their prey. Or at least at this point, the suit they had swiftly ripped from your possession.
Written by Drifting Dragon on 29 October 2023
The end (for now)