Go by Docks.
In the end, you decided to go up to the docks. You figured if anyone would be able to help you, it would be someone with the kind of local knowledge of not only things on the land, but some things in the sea as well. Ultimately, your upper half was that of a human, therefore if you just swam up to them and kept your lower half under the water then you would be just fine.
Without a second thought, you swam up to the boat and caught the attention of the sailors up above.
“Hey! Hey there!” you called to them. Before long, you saw some of them peeking over the side of the boat. “Hey! Can you help me with something?” You asked.
“Oh someone’s drowning! Throw the life saver over the side!” Someone called.
“Yeah it looks like a woman! She needs our help!” They all sprung into action, automatically assuming that this was the kind of help you needed. You suppose that made sense, but in the back of your mind, you started to freak out. If they’re now trying their best to get you out of the water- it’s what they do best- then you were in some pretty big trouble.
“Uh, wait no I just-” Before you had the chance to swim away, the nets were already upon you. Your fins started getting tangled up in the webbing as it all wrapped you up and before long you could feel all of them starting to pull you out of the water. They were all shouting together as they coordinated their heaves and hoes. A few times, you felt yourself smacking against the side of the boat, barnacles scraped your rough skin but it was nothing to you. At least, it felt like nothing to your thick skin. In a way, you almost wished you were in the skin you were born in so you could have more easily proved your humanity- at least you could have been able to beat them up if push come to shove.
Regardless, you were stuck in this skin until you found a new suit to put on instead. That’s just how the game goes. And it seemed like you were pretty close to losing it.
The moment they hoisted you up onto the boat, everyone stared at you, sunned with awe. Their mouths hung open and you dreaded what you would soon hear from them.
“Oh wow! An undiscovered species” one man called out.
“Come on! Let’s dissect it!” another one suggested and you could hear them all calling in response.
“Yeah! Woo! We’re going to be rich!” They all cheered in happiness as you struggled to free yourself from the thick heavy rope weighing you down. You knew this was the end for you. Before long, you could even tell that it was. Soon, the light started to shine all around you and your vision started to blur. By the way the world reset around you, you could tell that your game had reset. As you pondered how your decisions got you here, you couldn’t help but wonder if they had a good run with that exotic skin of yours.
Written by Drifting Dragon on 05 October 2023
The end (for now)