Go by Castle
Somehow, there was just something particularly glamorous about the option of the castle. Your eyes glistened as you made your way up the road. To your surprise, there weren’t many people around on your way there. Honestly, you couldn’t recall seeing any other human on the trail or in the little town square you had passed on your way up.
By the time you got to the gates, you were quite exhausted but regardless your excitement was your true driving factor. You took one last breath before you walked through. The gates were completely open but you didn’t think twice about it. The castle was large and beautiful and you just kind of instinctually walked towards it feeling more human than ever and before long you found yourself walking through the open doors.
The first thing you noticed was the bustling. It seemed as though everyone in the kingdom was there.
Written by Drifting Dragon on 29 September 2023