It’s been so long, and I’m finally getting to see some puppies!” you thought to yourself as you followed. Your excitement filled your mind completely, eager for cuteness, you barely even took note of which hallway you had turned down.
“Here we are!” She said in a cheery voice. “Did you need any-”
“No thank you. I would like to begin. ‘Urgent need’ y’know!” you shrugged, and she looked elated by your excitement.
“Alright! Well that’s up to you!” She smiled, opening the door. “Just come back and let me know if you need anything, okay!” the receptionist finished. “Hope you enjoy your first day! The puppies should be arriving any minute now.” Your quivering body nodded in excitement. Though it was more of a flail; it was clear to the woman that you had been waiting for this for quite a while.
Written by DriftingDragon on 09 May 2021
The end (for now)