“So what’s this all about?” you asked, quietly.
“This hospital you mean?” She picked apart your question as you walked.
“Yeah, I mean. I’ll be working with children, right?”
“Of course!”
“And this is a hospital?”
“Yes?” Her draw was slow and guarded.
“Why are these two places together?” You inquired.
“Based on the politics in this land, we have most institutions combined, families, hospitals, schools, businesses, it all is one body. Much like organs in a body- society being the body.” her words made your head spin, but slowly you were beginning to understand.
“So this place must be huge?”
“What do you think the train system is for?” You tilted your head. “Surely you must have seen that enormous train outside, that’s the only way in, and the only way out.”
“Yep!” You both walked in silence for a moment. “Safety reasons.” she tried breaking the silence, but something began to feel a bit weird about this.
Written by DriftingDragon on 24 April 2021
The end (for now)