Go left
You slid your slender body into the metallic rectangle. The metal slats buckled under your weight, and you were almost afraid that it would have given way beneath your weight. Shortly after, you come to the crossroads within the metal like prison. You had to make a decision, left or right. You flipped a coin and it landed heads, you didn’t assign the direction, but the nose was pointing to the left, so you figured that was your answer.
“Two in one?” You thought to yourself, trying to figure out a way to comprehend your choice, despite this, you figured you’d begin in that direction, rather than just waiting around and thinking. It didn’t long before you started getting a weird headache, there was some odd smell wafting into your scent glands, yet you still pressed forwards. You didn’t know how long it would take for you to get to where you were going, but your eyes started going crossed, and your mind became even more clouded with muddied thoughts. “Wait… is this natural… gas?” the thought only crossed your mind for a moment before you began to feel weak. Looking over your shoulder, you realized that it was nearly impossible to go back, the tunnel seemed to be getting smaller and smaller as you continued.
The last thing you remembered was seeing your world going sideways. “I’m sleepy” You thought “I think I should take a nap.” the chemicals had already taken over your mind, and your body was finally at the end of its rope. At least this way it happened painlessly.
Written by Driftingdragon on 07 December 2020
The end (for now)