In a room
The sign reads
"Welcome all new travellers.
To continue you must go through a series of doors.
After going through you will pick a costume. You will then become a half- human and half that creature.
After a week(100 mins a hour,20 hrs a day,10 days a week) has passed you may morph and get another costume. To start of with you will only be able to become 40% human to 60% human.
If you put on a costume you will then become that creature, be teleported to it's home town and have to wait a week before being able to morph.
After 50 costumes you may change into one of your other costumes and become 30% to 70% human. When changing costumes you must wait at least an hour before you can change costumes again.
100 different species/gender costumes allows you to gender-morph and become 20% to 80% human
200 different species costumes allows you to combine costumes and become 10% to 90% human
400 different species costumes allows you to return to your world with no more morphing
And 800 different species costumes makes a polymorph and allows you to morph outside of this world.
Also if you have a costume like a centaur then the human part will always be human and is counted towards the human percentage.
Any gender/species transformation magic of yours can only change your gender(if you have at least 100 costumes) and the animal part to a different animal.
When you change into a different costume (that you already have) you may teleport to that species home town but you will have the week penalty where you have no costume changes.
If you die while wearing a costume you will be reborn at the local inn (or appropriate location ). If you have more then 100 costumes you will lose the costume you had when you died and go to an appropriate place for your next costume.
If you fail to make it out in 100 years(100 weeks in a year) one of your possible forms will be chosen and you will be permanently stuck in that form(apart from magic) until you die. Also there will be no possibility of going back to your world.
Also, one final note: should you take a female form and become pregnant, you won't be able to change your gender until the child is born, though the other aspects of your form may change (the child will change to match.) That is all, and good luck!
You realise that you have to do what the sign said to do and go through the doors and grab a costume.
Alternatively you could use the key system to determine the room
Written by Catprog on 11 February 2004
Normal Land
You go through the door.
All of a sudden it slams shut and with no handle on this side it appears that you are stuck.
There are two more doors however and both of them have a sign on them saying
Costume room for
Element: Land
Type: Normal
Gender: ????
So which door do you want
Written by Catprog on 26 February 2004
Female Normal Land
You go through the door.
All of a sudden it slams shut and with no handle on this side it appears that you are stuck.<P/>There are five costumes in this room, all of them female, all of them are normal land creatures.
- Snake <li><span class="female">Wolf</span></li>
Written by Catprog on 26 February 2004
You look around the room, you see a variety of shelves around the walls, each labeled and what appeared to be a variety of animal costumes, better than trying to leave naked you think to yourself, you walk over to the nearest shelf, upon closer inspection you see all the costumes are labeled with an animal and the gender. You groan to yourself as you come to the realisation that all the costumes are female. "I should have ducked in the other room..."
You look over the costumes, trying to find a suitable one. You finaly choose a canine costume, it seemed to be a female german shepherd costume. With a gulp you drop the towel around your waist and step into the costume, pulling on the legs and then the arms. As you pull the zip up the fur seems to flow across your body, you gulp and try to stop but the costume seems to have taken control of your arm and contiunes to pull it up all the way. Once the zipper is up to the top it comes off and you can move the arm of your own will again.
There is a pulling senstation from between your legs and you groan, knowing what was happening down there without even looking. As you do you feel a few pulling senstations, your chest flowing into the costume, filling out the extra bust space.
The senstation flows out down your legs as the costume skin merges with your own, when it reaches your ankles and feet you wince as you feel the bones shifting and reshaping to a more animalistic configuration, the momentary weakness because of this causes you to drop to your knees.
As you look up from the ground, you think that you must be loosing it, seeing that somehow the room is fading out and there is a new room forming around you, a bedroom with a full length mirror appearing on the wall before you.
In the mirror you see yourself and you look closer a shocked expression on your all the more canine looking face. "s-six breasts?!" you think out loud, though your voice sounds more barky than usual, and maybe even an octive or so higher.
Your arms didnt seem to have changed much, maybe grown a little longer and more feminine, though now ending in canine looking hand/paws with claws rather than hands.
Your body shape changes, filling out the feminine proportions of the costume, leaving your head and face the last change to take place. You gulp, feeling the change flow up your spine from yout newly formed tail. Your jaws and nose stretch out into a new and very canine shaped muzzle.
Your ears prick up as they elongate and move up your head around the same time as your muzzle forming. You hear the wind rustling the leaves outside the window, which is quite a supprise as you could've sworn the door used to be where the window is now located. Then you go blind for a few seconds as your eyes reshape and the transformation make them a part of your new body .
Once you are again able to see, you stagger over to the dresser against the wall, getting used to using your new paws and the new balance of your reshaped body. The ID on the dresser catches your eye, it has your name, and a picture of your new form, it looked the same as the you from the mirror. How could this've happened? You take a deep breath upon seeing that next to sex on the ID, you are labeled "bitch". "Great!" you think aloud, "they actually used bitch, not female."
Written by Catprog + Disota on 21 February 2012
Local Guide
The room is pretty basic. Opening the closest you find a selection of clothes but they are all designed to show off your enlarged chest. You grumble "Not only am I female, I have to advertise the fact?" You walk into the closet and look through the clothes, hoping to find something less revealing, but to no avail. The further back you look, the skimpier the clothes get. With a groan, you eventually pick out the least revealing outfit you can find, a yellow button down shirt with holes places specifically to show off your three cleavages. You find that there are no pants, or even skirts, and all of the shirts stop above the waist...it looked like these shirts were all you had.
There is a knock on the door. "Are you in there?" a male voice called. With a gasp, you hurry to put on the shirt before the door is opened. "The door is locked, I can't enter from this side," you hear from the outside. A sigh of relief escapes your lips, but you know you can't just stay in this room forever. Figuring that you might as well get it over with, you walk towards the door.
You open the door and on the other side is a male. "Is this your first costume?" he asks.
You nod. "I don't know why the wizard gives the bitches so few clothing options."
"He runs the whole costumeverse, or at the least he set it up. The costumes are triggers to change you and move you to another world."
"What for?" you ask, angry that anyone would dare do this to you.
"I think he wants to create a perfect world. So, by putting random people in at random times, many different worlds are created for him to compare. There are all sort of creatures in the other worlds, too, even some that only exist in the costumeverse now."
"Am I stuck here?"
"Only for about a fortnight, then you can get another costume and move onto the next world."
"And how long am I going to be stuck going from world to world?"
"well 400 costumes allow you to go home, 800 to be fully human-"
"800?!" you interrupt. "I don't want to have to go through this 800 times!" Your breasts jiggle uncomfortably as you stomp your foot in rage.
"You should of read the sign, it is in the main room"
"but.." you start till he interrupts you.
"Now we need to find you a job for the fortnight."
"I have to work?"
"Yes, there is no charity here. You should of been given a bunch of skills that we need, though."
"Skills? What sort of skills?"
"Well woodcutting, hauling, taking care of babies for example," he answers "We will see, if you follow me please." He turned and walked down a hallway, beckoning for you to walk behind him.
You follow and notice most of the females are dressed more conservatively. You point it out and he smiles "Yeah there is a big market in new clothing for bitches. It is one of their first purchases in most cases."
"I see," you say "So how long do I have to work for new clothes?"
"Oh, only about a days work on average for basic clothes."
You nod "I guess I should get a job quickly then."
He nods "So what do you want to do?"
Written by catprog + llirbwerdnadivad on 26 February 2012
The strange man’s options didn’t seem appealing to you, despite this, you knew that you couldn’t just sit around doing nothing in particular. Or maybe you could? Maybe it was another option? With such endless choices at your disposal, you may never know the life you could have lived. Anyway, it was clear that he wasn’t the only one waiting for you.
“Well? What do you choose?” His gruff voice jolted you back into reality. Shocked, you jumped slightly as your tail quivered behind you.
“Umm.” you stood for a moment, looking yourself up and down. The absolutely inappropriate clothes you had on. Your anxious mind raced “what kind of job would even let me get away with dressing like this?” you thought.
“We don’t have all day, miss.” For a moment you forgot about the allure of your new body, and the way he addressed you made you uncomfortable. His subtle glances made it even more so.
“Can I just work for myself?” you asked, folding your slender arms across your top row of breasts.
“Alrighteyo!” he said, before promptly leaving you in the room. “Wifi password should be on the paper by your desk!” was the last thing you heard as the large wooden door shut.
“Uhh! Wait!” but by that time it was too late. He had already left you to your own devices. You slumped, annoyed, and confused. Your dark brown ears flopped onto your face, and with an aggravated huff you blew the furred appendage from in front of your eye. “Ugh, now what.”
Written by Driftingdragon on 04 November 2020
Surf the web
Left to your own devices, there wasn’t much you could figure to do. Freelancing wasn’t something they taught in your school prior, and even then, what kind of job could a bit- uhh, an individual of your stature do in order to make some money around here.
“He said it was by the paper…” You turned in the small confined room. “Where am I even?” it took you a moment for you to catch your bearings. A bed, A cabinet, A computer desk, A television, It seemed to you as if there were a plethora of options before you, though for some reason, the computer seemed to stand out to you the most. “The paper…”
Your eyes scanned the desk for whatever you could find, but to your surprise, the entire desk was filled with papers. All sorts of things were scattered across the wooden tabletop, from tiny texted printing paper, some colorful construction paper, even a few square sheets of origami paper.
“What the heck!” you said. “Which paper was it?” you fondled around for a few minutes, and it seemed as though it would have been impossible to find the password. Your mind was growing exhausted.
Written by Driftingdragon on 07 November 2020
stop looking
That was it, you were too tired, you had given up looking for the wifi password. Regardless, the computer’s build seemed to fascinate you more than you could have imagined. Despite the fact that the room you found yourself in was nothing more than ‘shanty’, as if it was the kind of motel-type room one would have horrible things done to them in, the build itself was significantly more sophisticated than anything you could have imagined. It almost seemed out of place.
The case was a futuristic lan box, and RGB lights flashed a rainbow of colors from within. Its droning hues were almost hypnotic as they slowly shifted from color to color so smoothly you could barely tell if they were separate, or if it was all just one blur. Something about this build seemed to compel you more than you would have allowed yourself to admit. The way the clear glass panels displayed its advanced graphics processing unit from inside, its fans turning faster than your brain’s shutter speed could comprehend.
Written by Driftingdragon on 08 November 2020
no touch
You figured that this wasn’t quite your field of expertise, so you continued to figure out what you could do to unlock the device. Since finding the piece of paper was an absolute failure, you figured that the next thing you should do is to see if there were any clues left on the computer itself.
The bright screen caused your eyes to adjust quickly, yet you still struggled to read what was on the screen as it popped up. “Password hint” showed up after mindlessly slamming your fingers into the keyboard. It sounded like rain as your claws tapped against the little plastic keys. That sounded like a good place to start, so you clicked it, “What is this?” you squint your eyes, wondering what kind of password hint that could have been.
“I should be asking you that!” you yelled aloud, “What is it?.. Uhh.” You typed whatever you could think of to continue on.
Written by Driftingdragon on 13 November 2020
Think about a password
“G-A-M-E” you typed. A red screen flashed on the display; you jumped at a response, and then tried typing another password in “F-U-R-R-Y” You said aloud as your fingertips stomped hard onto the tiny little keys. Once again “WRONG” showed up.
To your surprise, a timer began to countdown, and anxiety clutched your stomach like cold hands as the number began to decrease. The clock was ticking, and you felt the need to rush even faster to figure out the password; it almost felt like a Bond film as the sweat dripped down your tongue, and your senses began to pick up every tiny sound and scent surrounding you. You were afraid.
“T-R-A-N-S-F-O-R-M” you typed. “WRONG” It yelled. “W-I-Z-A-R-D” you frantically continued. “WRONG” yet again. “J-O-B-S” only to get the same response. This time, the number halved, and it appeared as if you only had ten seconds left.
Written by Driftingdragon on 16 November 2020
Ditch the place
Anything else would have been better than sticking around, so you bolted. The anxiety of your previous experience couldn’t have matched anything else you could have been dealt in the outside world. You were able to feel the wind between your knees as you ran through the forest. The environment was rugged, and you scraped your knees on the surrounding shrubbery. Your flushed thighs were snagging onto little hook bugs, and the branches slapped you in the face as you made your escape.
The first thing you noticed was how many other senses were taking over your body, not only the sounds and smells, but the sights we're also novel to you as you slowly settled into your new body. The surrounding seemed to guide you through in your panicked state of mind, and you continued to follow a familiar scent until you found your way into an odd clearing in the forest.
When you realized you were more vulnerable like this, out in the open, your body froze as if you were standing off with the empty space around you. Something seemed off, yet you still couldn't shake the feeling that you were at least safer than you were couped up in that room. Wait a minute, was that a sound?
Written by Driftingdragon on 17 November 2020
Duck and cover
Your body decided to move on its own, and you ended up flinging yourself into the bushes nearby. Trying to halt the rustling with your hands, yet the viridescent petals aggressively rubbed together as your newly transformed body moved among the brush. To your surprise, the three strangers entering your view still couldn’t notice your dark green and black earth tones as you camouflaged among the brush. Quickly, you took notice of their slender figures as they moved from the dark shadows of a nearby cave.
“Hey, watch it!” another female’s voice called out.
“No you! Fool.” replied a gruff older man’s raspy cadence. With wide opened eyes, you continued to watch from the brush, not daring to make a sound. You didn’t quite catch their appearance, but the staggered footsteps of the small band of strangers told you that there were at least three of them. You heard a sudden movement, and the old man reacted again. “What is it?” silence, “over there?”
“I think she senses someone!” The female’s voice rang out again, a bit more silently than the last.
Written by Driftingdragon on 19 November 2020
You slowly retreated in the bushes, backing away without rustling the nearby leaves. For a while, you were doing quite well until you felt the sharp snap of a twig beneath your bare footpaws. In an instant you saw the figures jolt in your direction, your sensitive ears could pick up on their subtle huffs as they pulled the cold air into their nostrils, trying to pick up on your foreign scent.
“Over here.” the female voice said, and in that instant, you could hear them creeping closer to you with every passing moment.
“Oooohhh aahh” you thought to yourself as your chest began to pump in fear. Thoughts ran through your head as they approached, and before you could think of what to do they were already upon you. Suddenly, you saw a short stout muzzle pointing at you from the other side, a terrier-type breed, though she looked like a mix. Her large globe eyes stared wide at your face, and you could see her nose twitching as she took in your scent. Behind her was a much larger doberman, and a medium-sized feline.
“Oh. It’s just another bitch.” She said in a casual tone. Your face shrank to displeasure as you heard that disgusting word once more.
“Still getting… used to that…” You reminded yourself.
“It’s alright Durk!” She called to the male behind her.
“Okay? Does she have a weapon?” without your knowing, the strange female was upon you, padding you up and down in close quarters. The stench coming from her fur was atrocious, and the way her loose dirtied clothes absorbed the rank smell of however long their haphazard fibers had gone unwashed, caused your nose to scrunch up in displeasure.
“She seems good to me.” The stranger said as she reached out a filthy hand to assist you back up. You hesitated for a moment as your eyes examined the muddy paw pads of the odd looking individual. Taking her hand, you pulled yourself up, and the group of others seemed friendly enough.
After a quick introduction, you found yourself pondering their latest question.
“So what is it you’re doing here?” the gruff older male doberman asked you, as his female partner shot you a calming smile in your direction.
Written by Driftingdragon on 21 November 2020
Yeah what am I doing?
They gave you a confused expression, you were taken aback.
“What… do you mean?” the female asked as she came closer to you, looking you up and down in a curious fashion. You folded your arms to hide your multiple rows of breasts, slightly exposed by the slightly revealing fashion you sported. “You surely don’t look like you’re from around here.” You could see the male eyeing you suspiciously from behind her.
“I suppose… That makes sense?” he said confused, yet you could tell by the way he glared at you that he was clearly suspicious. Though he didn’t say a word, his expression told you ‘How could she have possibly come here, not knowing what she’s doing’, and in that moment you wondered how you could have better explained yourself. Your mind became overwhelmed with options, lies, scapegoats, but all you could come up with, was the cold hard truth.
"Uhh, well see actually I'm here because of a uhh. Door? I entered…" the trio was silent, unmoving, and visibly confused, you continued. "And, ya see! I transformed into this weird creature, I used to be a human." Their eyes opened wide, and the more mysterious feline seemed more guarded, she shot the other two a suspicious look, and they responded with a tiny nod. "Uhh. Finally after some weird stuff, I just ended up here." Your verbal memoir seemed to bore the others, and by the time they settled down among themselves from their whispering and non verbal communication, all seemed suddenly, just fine.
"We see," the dominant bark of the doberman's voice
At that moment, you wished to yourself that you had chosen the bird costume
Written by Driftingdragon on 24 November 2020