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Sure. emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

You shrugged in agreement, assuming he knew the best as a villager of this novel town. It didn’t take long for the two of you to walk to the other side of the small town, and when you both had arrived at the destination, you found yourself at the largest building in the entire city, though it was still small compared to what you were looking for. It actually looked more like a store or some kind of business, but when you walked past the threshold, it was clear that it was where the young man had lived.
“Here we are!” he said with a joyful giggle, you nodded as he quickly ran up the stairs to grab his gear. “Wait here, I’ll be right back.” he said as he reached the top. The stairway was too thin for your taur body to slide through, so you felt more than happy to wait at the bottom of the stairs.
Shortly after he left, you heard the shuffling of footsteps from the other room, they were quickly approaching, and your anxiety flared up like a snake bite. Two middle aged anthros peeked around the corner at you, their clothing was a bit more business casual than anyone else you had seen in this village. Seeing people properly dressed for success had calmed your mind; a stark contrast than the other peasants which had surrounded you.
“Oh? Hi there?” you were confused, shifting your attention between the pairs of peering eyes, and the rustling of the floorboards just above your head. “And you are?” the young man’s parents looked at each other confused.
“Why, we’re the king n queen a this kingdom!” the older women said to you. It was a shocking sight! What kind of king and queen ruled a kingdom like this, you were barely even sure if this was a kingdom at all the way things seemed to be ran around here.
“And based by yer fancy clothes too. Ya must be one a those other kings er queens.” your eyes opened wide. You were offended by this kind of disrespect! Only one word was able to slip out of your mouth before it began gaping in awe:
“What?” you were flabbergasted “I never…” defensively, you crossed your arms.
“Dang ya Cleatus, she looks young.” the woman smacked the king on his head with a rolled up news paper tucked neatly into her apron. You tried not to giggle, figuring this kind of disrespect was common among these kinds of people.
Your ears twitched as you heard the creaking floorboards; Decatur was back! To your surprise you were pleased to see his face. He was your ticket away from this confusing couple, though something about knowing that they were the rulers of this kingdom seemed to fascinate you even more about them. You were drawn into their chaotic nature, a farcry from the more neatly organized kind of rulership you were used to. It was hard to make up your mind about whether to stay or go, but after a quick moment of mulling it over you decided to speak up.

Written by Driftingdragon on 27 August 2020

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