Though this was all new to you, the situation seemed quite interesting, not really putting much more thought into it, and finding your surroundings pleasing enough for you to distract yourself. You happily nodded and accepted this reality, even inquiring a bit about how you could join their forces and abandon your boring choice from earlier.
They seemed to accept you with open arms, teaching you all of the rules of their kingdom. You were told about everything from the bottom to the top, which they coined their ‘trickle up’ effect, where you’re given everything you need to survive at the bottom, where you could make your own life as a taur, trading amongst yourselves and cherishing life, as those above you do the same. You were brought to the conclusion that this kingdom didn’t seem to need your help, and overall you felt about done with what you had seen at this point.
The boring politics of an entire kingdom wasn’t what you were quite expecting as an Anthropologist, so you returned to the midlands and once again choose what it is you were going to do.
Written by Driftingdragon on 16 August 2020