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This scroll directed you to the science labs, comparing old anthropological artifacts, particularly the petrified remains of other creatures. The job kind of took you aback, scaring you slightly as you took small bone marrow samples and compared them to the data pulled up on your computer of anatomical structures. But something about what you were seeing was slightly disturbing.
You began to notice how this narrative was unfolding, showing point after point about how taurs were superior when it came to labor, and how anthros had more mental accuity. The data almost made even you believe what you were reading, though you shook your head and told yourself that it wasn’t true. With a furrowed brow you continued sifting through the data, doing your job to the best of your ability, but by the time you were done, you were absolutely livid.
Looking around in your empty room, ideas filled your mind, after being steeped in this novel information, there was only one thing left for you to do.

Written by Driftingdragon on 09 August 2020

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