Drink potion
“Why should I give it to you?” You quickly think to yourself, only shooting your mother a sly glance. “Okay sure” you say aloud. You turn around and giggle to yourself, the steam from your potion cascaded upwards into your face as you hunched over the rounded flask. The red glowing fluids washed over the edges of the glass as if it were a vast ocean, and every moment that past made you even more enticed.
You threw back the drink as if it were hard liquor. Almost instantly, your body began to feel a deep boiling within the pit of your stomach, you hunch over quickly as your senses started becoming overwhelmingly sensitive; all you could process was the fragile sound of the flask breaking against the ground.
“What have you done!” your mother screams as her voice slowly faded in and out of your hearing. You didn’t even know what you had done, though all you could focus on was the swelling pulsations resonating through your body.
In tune with your heart beat, every pulse made your body appear even more large, as the world around you began to slowly recede. With a single swing of your arms, the muscular bowling-ball-like biceps crashed directly through the ceiling with a thud. Your mother was knocked back as the rest of your family ran in from the noise.
You let out a terrifying screech as you continue your transformation, flexing your enormous quadrupedal paws as you crashed through the adjacent wall of the laboratory. The baffled family craned their necks high upward in shock as they watched you- the princess, now a ten meter tall muscular giant, now rampaging through the kingdom with no end in sight. Galloping away to destroy more of the buildings, your mind was almost completely corrupted with the power that surged through you.
Dark fur bristled like large spines as they scraped together like shingles in the wind. Before long, the entire town was evacuated, though not before even more of them had met your squishy paw pads. Now walking with multiple smaller furs crushed between the sweaty beans of your feet, you come across your mother one last time, standing atop one of the high up mountain peaks within your kingdom.
She addressed you with a loudspeaker, begging you to stop, and at least to spare her life. Upon looking into her eyes you seemed to find a spark of your humanity once again, pondering to yourself which option was even the right thing to do.
Written by Driftingdragon on 05 April 2020