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Make alchemic potion emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

You had chosen the first and most obvious answer: an offensive approach, and the most to-the-point choice of the four. Thinking to yourself what your work file may contain, you were shocked to find out the task was to merely brew a potion.


“What have I gotten myself into!” you ask yourself. Having anticipated a more hands-on job in the field you never would have expected your daily tasks were to sit around practically cooking. You felt extremely overqualified for the job, regardless, day after day you mixed a rainbow of colorful powders and liquids of varying viscosities, watching them sizzle, heat up, and nearly explode as you haphazardly threw the mixture together.


After nearly blowing up the castle’s lab numerous times, you finally decided to put your mind to it, working through long hours and focusing only on your practice. It wasn’t long thereafter until you finally figured out the exact things that were needed, and when you did, you implemented every last step with skill. By the end of things, you were a master at the art of mixing and stirring.


Your ultimate result was a glowing red potion, brightly emanating its own neon light as you swirled it around in a flask. She came approaching you from behind; you felt the queen’s touch on your shoulder as you watched your creation glistening. A smile spread across her face and then you knew she was truly proud of you.
“Thank you for such hard work dear! Now hand it over please!” she asked sternly, you could almost catch the hint of demand in her tone. You take a moment to think to yourself.

Written by Driftingdragon on 01 April 2020

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