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Forest emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

The clothes you wore clung tight to your body as you watched your front legs padding forward across the cold earth. Hard white claws scratched up the dry soil as your weight shifted between your new quadrupedal gait. You stepped lightly, as to not muddy your dainty black paws, though you couldn't help but ponder as to why you were doing this.
"Wait a minute, what's with all this prissy pink bullcrap?" A tiara atop your head glistened in the morning light, its bright pink and blue flecks of light shone exquisitely with every meandering pace.
In the distance [hows a skunks sight?] What seemed like the end of the road. A small patch of trees and grass sprouting from the center of your vision. Upon close inspection, you come to realize that the path merely split in two a bit farther down the way; two thin winding paths led deep into the forested terrain, one sloping upward, and another one trailing deep down into the dark greenery, its viridescent hues grew deeper in value as your eyes tried to adjust to the dim light.
Which path shall you choose?

Written by Driftingdragon on 04 March 2020

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