Keep Walking
You decide to snag two more coconuts and find that, despite their size, the pockets on your pants are big enough to hold onto them, bulging out like pouches. You take one more coconut to carry in hand and continue following the path as you had been before.
You soon return to a straight - straight in the sense that it is a simple path with no breaks in it - and you follow this, peering around every now and then to see if you can spot or hear anything else beyond this strange sea of palm trees.
No other palm trees appear to have coconuts or any other fruit, you note.
Time passes, and you feel that the temperature has changed. It isn’t a drastic change, but it has cooled off ever so slightly - you cast your gaze up, and while the leaves of the palm trees block out a good chunk of the sky, you can see it is blue and bright, with an array of clouds everywhere. The sun is peeking in the corner, as if it is shyly glancing at you without wanting to be seen.
You again shrug this off and, after another minute or two, you pause once more to rest your legs. As you do, you pit the coconut in your mouth that you had been carrying, break it open with your teeth, then eat it. You discard its remains into a small opening between two trees.
Your feet appreciate this little break. You rub them, feeling their oddly soft texture, and question how long you will have to walk before you find something. Surely, this trail can’t go on forever, can it? That seems impossible, you think.
You of course remind yourself of your new body and how that shouldn’t be possible either. Still, you believe you will find some answers soon enough, since there’s little reason for why you would find this weird island and have there be no way out.
You let your feet rest a moment longer, then stand up and stretch.
Written by Hollowpages on 24 May 2019