Bombs away I suppose.
You look around the room and find a large red shell, the kind you'd expect to find on a turtle. You find it odd that there is a turtle's shell in the flying room. You decide to try it on however, as none of the other costumes appeal to you. You pick it up and find that in spite of being hard as rock, it amazingly light.
After figuring out how to get into it, you put it on and yell in pain as the shell attaches to your spine. You wonder why you singed up for this game show or whatever as your arms and legs get shorter and are covered in orange scales.
All the hair you have starts to recede into your body as your teeth vanish. Your mouth starts to grow into a beak as your eyes grow much larger, taking up most of your forehead. Finally a pair of wings sprout from your new shell.
Suddenly there is a flash of light, and you find yourself standing at attention with others of your kind. In front of you stands an aged, female, turtle like creature, dressed in purple robes.
"Ah," she says in a rasping voice, "So, you must be the new recruits. Welcome to the Koopa Kingdom's proud Paratroopa division. Your training begins in five minutes. Today's training will be rather quick as we are expecting hostile guests this evening."
Written by Tall on 02 January 2007
The end (for now)