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Water Boy, er Girl! star star star halfstar emptystar

You see the Vaporeon suit and... knowing exactly what the future holds for you, You put it on without even taking your clothes off. After all, why should it matter? Just as you're about to put the head onto the costume, the whole get up disappears!


You start to feel fur crawling up your body from your feet. Your jeans and t-shirt cover it up until it reaches your arms and neck. When you finally see it, you notice its an aqua blue color. Your ears start to grow out to the side and reshape into fins. You feel something similar as a third one forms on the top of your head.


You next feel your neck fan grow out into a circle around your head, which is reforming itself. You can feel your muzzle start to grow out as you senses go wild. Suddenly your able to pick up every last sent in the room.


You feel pressure against your jeans, and look back to see a large bulge. It soon tears out and grows into your tail. You flip it around in the air, to make sure you can control it. Left, Right, Up, Down. It's obviously yours now. Lastly, a chill shoots down you spine as a Vaporeon's blue ridge grows down your back and tail.


You feel like you've forgotten something only to be reminded by a tingling in your crotch. You've wandered into the girls room. The tingling quickly turns into a strange, uncomfortable pressure, which makes sense, considering your losing your manhood. your whole package disappears into your body and is replaced with the corresponding female parts. The next thing you feel is a pressure in your chest. This time outward, not inward. Your breasts start to grow, and grow until they look to be D-cups. You shrink a few inches as a slight heat ignites all over your body. Your hips shrink a bit, and your rear grows, giving you an hourglass figure, and making your jeans uncomfortable. Your legs become slimmer and your face rearranges itself to look more feminine.


Your physical changes appear to be over, and your looking over yourself when your clothes change. Your long blue jeans are shrinking. The legs get sucked up as your pants turn into a pair of very short shorts, with a hole in the back for your tail. Your T-shirt starts to shrink, becoming very tight on you, showing off your new breasts. The front shrinks, giving the world a nice view of your trim stomach. The once blank shirt changes to a dark blue shirt that says "BEACH BABE" in red letter. You stand in your now tight and form fitting clothes and find a mirror.


You look into it, studying your female Vaporeon body. You strike a few poses in the mirror, practicing showing off your bust and rear, after all, you're wearing it for attention. You run your hands down your trim and sexy sides and say "Sexy!"

Illustrated by dragon-storm

Written by Biffiea on 31 December 2006

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