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A few more days emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

Still, no sign of human life. No clues to your way home, but your steadily marching on. A diet of water and raw fish left you with some stomach trouble. You manage to overcome it with most of your dignity intact because at least no one saw you.


While fishing a larger, much more aggressive fish attacks you. It sought your freshly caught fish. You leap back just in time as the long narrow mouth comes at your fished filled paws. Darkness shoots over your head in the form of your scorpion tail. It comes down with a lethal force destroying the attacking fish by splitting it in two. Saving your from a life threatening injury. A bit shaking you gather you spirit and move on. Keeping a weary eye on the waters edge.


You hate fish! You hate the water! You hate this fucking jungle! Releasing inhuman roar as you rage against your current situation. You are strong willed but after eight days hope was faded to black.


“I want to go home!” you yell to uncaring trees. “I want to go home!” Your break down last the entire day with you falling into a tired heap.

Written by psto1464 on 25 August 2018

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