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Follow that water emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

You decide to risk it. The average human could go four days without water. The average manticorn could go how long? Were you ever consider a manticorn? Considering how your body was either swallowed or transformed into your current state. Shaking your head free of these cluttered and unnecessary thoughts you head to the sound of water. After that you would go back to your original plan of finding a spot to try to fly up from. The ability to gain some idea of your whereabout's would bea deciding factor in your survival.


Gathering your wits and your courage close to your chest like armour. You trudge on showing how strong the human spirit, your human spirit really is. You once again were cutting down large leaves and towering grass. Snapping down on branches and bugs as you stamped on-wards towards the twinkling sound of water. Your hearing had become exceptionally good, maybe too good compared to your human hearing. The coolness of morning passed as the sun reigned high above sending down beams of heat into the trees canopy.


You are starting to feel the weight of the heats burden on your body. The sun was bringing heat, nothing to bad. You could handle a dry heat, but this jungle was humid. A wet heat that made every breath you took harder than normal. The very air was thick and taking it in was its own work out. Then there was the effort of cutting down a path with your claws. You needed the path, you needed to see what was in front of you. You needed to see each step was a safe one. Unable to risk a twisted ankle or a broken neck from falling down a hole or tripping of the roots of one of the large trees.


Humid air was wetting and matting your fur coat. Although you had a whole new respect for pets surviving the summer. You felt like you were in a fog. Thoughts are coming unfocused and plainly speaking stupid. Did you really need to think, that if you got home in this form would you have to use a litter box or if you still could use a toilet and would you fit if you could? It was a clear sign of heat exhaustion but what could you do about it? Nothing.


Fighting on your claws cuts become weaker. Your path less straight. In order to keep yourself awake you repeating in your head. You will get home. It quickly became your mantra. Hell, it was your way of life. You would do anything to get home. Anything. Even with the spirit willing the body could only take so much abuse. Your head starts to spin, your vision unfocused as the jungle around you turns into a spinning wheel of greens and browns. Feeling yourself fall. You curse at yourself with all your might. Stand up you putz! Put this was all in your head. You hit the ground with a splash. Splash? The river! You found the river! You smile weakly though your heat drugged mind. The river was so refreshing and the mud was cooling. Now you understood all those trips your mother took to the spa. It was heaven, and you would have your fill once you woke up.

Written by psto1464 on 18 August 2018

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