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Accept new self emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

You decide to venture through the town, socializing and exchanging initial information with the local shop owners and passing by townspeople, while still hiding your real identity as a person from the modern world. You doubt that anyone would believe that you are actually from where you say you are anyway.


You visit the local tavern, where they inform you how things work around this town, seeing that they think you’re a foreigner. You don’t bother to correct their conclusion.


Based on their advice, you venture to the Adventurer Guild and try to sign up as a member, but they take member fees which you certainly don’t have at the moment, and you doubt that they can accept the kind of currency you carry at the moment, so instead you decide to try foraging around the town’s border, just outside the gate, in hope to collect some valuable goods, enough to let you join and pay for the membership fee. After all, if you want to survive living in this new world, you have to make a living for yourself, and this profession seems to be the popular choice.


Written by Stella Purple on 16 July 2018


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