"Get Lost"
"Easy there, girl. I'm just testing the waters."
"Go test it somewhere else," you spit the words out at the Doberman, your eyes narrowing and your ears pinning back. "Maybe you'll drown."
But even as you say that, there's a sinking feeling that you won't be so lucky if a dog much bigger or more dominant than you comes sniffing around.
Even though you're thoroughly enjoying your new found physique and status, there's a part of you that feels like it isn't worth the worry of what might happen if one of those male dogs decides that you're his bitch and tries to mount you.
The only thing that brings you a bit of peace is the fact that you aren't in heat, as far as you can tell. If things work here in the same manner that you've come to expect over the few days that you've been in this female dogs body, you know that you'll be alright as long as that doesn't happen. Still, as the days pass and you go out and explore more and more of your surroundings, you notice more and more male dogs sniffing around you.
It doesn't make you feel the best, that's for sure. You have to wonder if this is some kind of comeuppance for all of the times that you catcalled women back in your world.
If it is, you're more than ready to be rid of it now, even though you have a feeling that something just shy of a week isn't really enough time to have gained penance for anything.
Instead, you spend as much time as you can in places that allow you to still enjoy the change that has occurred with your body.
You discover that there is something akin to a gym by your little motel room; it's more of an obstacle course than a gym though, and it's focused on physical activity instead of weight lifting... but as soon as you start using it, you realize how much you are enjoying it, and enjoying the fact that your body is capable of such feats at all. You would never have expected this before, and to have such liberties and movement now is very appealing to you. What's better about the gym area is the fact that they have divisions; one course is for females and one for males... and within your first day there, you figure out why.
Written by Karlyene on 23 June 2018