There's something off about the light; it's not that it's brighter, and it's not really that it's more dull, either. It's just a different shade. The sun is orange, not yellow. It seems closer, as well, larger to look at. Maybe it's just the difference between your canine and human eyes that makes it seem that way.
Maybe this is all a dream and you're going to wake up soon.
The world is full of the word maybe, and you don't have time to try to figure it out. Standing outside, the scent of food is stronger than it was before. Your eyes are instantly drawn to a building that looks like a restaurant only a few blocks away. That's where the smell is coming from...
And that's where you need to be.
You mean to walk, but somehow you're going at a jog -- it seems perfectly natural for you, and the new structure of your body and legs makes the motion something akin to second nature. More than that, your body is reacting differently to the motion than it would have if you were human. You weren't a fitness fanatic; you could run, but you could tell that you were running the instant that you started it. You could jog, but if you did you could feel a stitch forming at your side. You certainly wouldn't have been taking deep, even breaths as though you were doing nothing than going on a leisurely walk.
You can feel it though, your body is designed for this. Even though it's an odd sensation to feel those six breasts on your chest bouncing in time with the ID tag that you have pinned to the collar of your shirt, it isn't putting a damper on your ability to move.
It's natural, and it's relaxing to you. You're working towards a goal, and the jog turns into a run that carries you the rest of the way to your destination in no time. You're suddenly at the door, and you see a line of people standing in front of you.
Only, they aren't really people -- not in the conventional term of what you understand that to be. Some are taller than you by head and shoulders. Some are much shorter and only come up to your collarbone. You recognize the species as you look at them -- Great Dane, Rottweiler, Poodle, Pomeranian... all of the dogs that you'd see at a dog park are there, standing on two legs and waiting in line for the mouthwatering scent that is all but taking over your mind now.
"ID," the gruff voice to your left draws you up to a stop. Even the sound of it isn't something that you're used to. It's a mixture of human vocalization and growling, and your ears twitch and try to turn towards it a moment before you whip your head to the side.
The Malamute is large, taller than you by a head. His frame is lithe and built well, and you can see the muscle rippling beneath the white fur that adorns his body. He looks you up and down for a moment, and you can see his pink nose twitching in the air, as though he intends to catch your full ID simply from the scent of you. For a moment, you're a bit dumbfounded -- but then, you remember the piece of plastic clipped to your shirt, and you quickly pull it up so that he can see it.
Written by Karlyene on 15 June 2018