I Think I'll Need a Bigger Box
Sorry, Tinkerbell, but you don't believe in fairies. The ramblings on that sign out there was pure craziness, pure and simple. There is no such thing as magical transformative costumes--heck, even teleportation is still science fiction.
...So there shouldn't be any harm in trying on a costume then.
The room's decor reflects its name; it's a small space, maybe the size of a college dorm room; some fifteen feet by twenty feet. The walls are seemingly translucent, or are sophisticated televisions, depicting some sort of farmland or countryside. The floor is paved with living grass. There's a perfectly normal tree and bush also in attendance. Yep, like the name on the door, this place seems... perfectly normal.
You see some horse hooves in a patch of grass, but you're not that much of an equestrian. A rhino horn hangs from the tree, but you've heard they have bad eyesight, and that wouldn't be cool. There's also a tiger and beagle outfit scattered hither and yon, but nothing's really clicking.
But soft! What's this concealed against the green grass?
Lo, it's a lizard mask!
You've always liked reptiles, why the heck not?
In a jovial fashion you put the mask on and look around for a reflective surface to admire yourself in. Your tongue flickers restlessly and tastes the springtime breeze.
...Hold up a moment.
Treachery! This mask is no mask; it's your face! Your head belongs now to a large, blunt-muzzled lizard similar to an iguana's but not quite! Suddenly your whole skin itches like something awful, and something guides you to tear it off like a velcro suit, revealing a green scaly hide underneath. Free of its former prison, a tail as long as your body extends from your backside. Throw in some claws and the metamorphosis concludes; you're a male, anthropomorphic reptile, a lizard a little like an iguana but looking more like a two-legged relative.
"HISSSSSS!" Your tail drags you down onto the ground, you unused to the weight. You sit up again and the room has departed; the countryside is now real as the snout on your face, albeit a touch more arid. It's like Africa but with less dryness.
"Um?" A voice, behind you! Still seated, you try to turn but are blocked by your huge tail.
Ne'ertheless, you're able to see a humble young farmer girl carrying a bucket, curiosity on her face.
"Wow, it's like somethin' from the readin' books and no mistake!" she marvels. A silence passes. It's getting a little awkward. What to do next...
Written by Mr.Peaches on 27 November 2006
The end (for now)