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Hunt emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

After quite a while of searching around in the area, you're no closer to having something to eat than before. It seems like this forest is devoid of any kind of animals except some wonderfully looking butterflies that seem to be made of thin ice.


You growl in frustration as you jump up a tree to reach a higher point to have a bit more of a vantage point. It seems you were too loud in the beginning and your loud prancing has driven the animals of the forest away.


With any passing minute you get more and more impatient and your movements start to get less and less careful, while navigating the branching trees. Until you feel a crack right beneath you. With shock you feel the wood giving way and you start to fall while your paws lose their grip on the other branches. With a loud scream you fall down into the snow which luckily is thick enough that the fall isn't to hard and you don't break all of your bones.


But still, your pride was hurt with this fall and you fight your way out of the snow, growling again and stretching yourself at a tree trunk to see if nothing is wrong.


But as you jump up to a low hanging branch and bend down to lick the snow out of your fur, you hear something. Your ears flick and turn into the direction you think the interesting sound comes from and yes, you hear it way clearer than before.


The gurgling of water.


Quickly you jump down from the branch and make your way, hastily plowing through the snow. The sound of flowing water means there is a river. And a river means there may be fish!

Written by Lifegaurd Arran on 25 May 2018

To the River

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