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Hell, I Know It's Overdone, But It's so Hard to Think of More Fictional Air emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

The grey clouds roil and bubble underneath the dome. You've decided to try on the swirly set of curly-Qs set in a row one behind the other, 'cuz they look cool/familiar. Once upon your noggin, you realize that it's Ho-oh's crazy hair/head feathers! But before you can realize the ramifications of this, you go up in flames like a ten-foot high pile of wood soaked in fifty gallons of gasoline!


FROOSH! All is fire and craziness. Lo and behold, when you finish combusting, you have been miraculously changed into a male, humanoid Ho-oh--how radical/perplexing!


You also notice, with some chagrin, that you seem to have melted through the glass floor in the room, and are now plummeting toward what is presumably the Pokeverse far below. You pass a gliding Pidgeotto mid-plummet and give it one heck of an existential puzzle.


Mmm... now would be an *excellent* time to figure out how to fly, eh? But alas! Before you can so much as flap your arm-wings, you land roughly on a...

Written by Mr.Peaches on 27 November 2006

The end (for now)

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