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Friends Never Say Goodbye... star star star star halfstar

You back away from the fiery dragoness, that smug smile still creasing her scaly muzzle. In her eyes is a look of triumph, of a score, of success; what were the odds the people sent to that costume room would end up in the myth room, then dragons, and would finally choose to be transformed by the dragoness?


You awkwardly stumble outside, the bitter mountain air quickly cooling the remaining chunks of magma rolling off your large draconic body.


It's clear as crystal, now; the costumes change you, and after ten days they'll call you back for another transformation. But agents in the homeworlds are standing by, waiting for you to aquiesce to remain in your form for all eternity. That, or any agreement you make to that effect pulls the plug, cancels the return trip on your ticket, unbooks your reservations back to Freaky Costume Land.


Feeling woozy, you lean against a rocky wall as it continues to sink in. You're done; it's game-over. You're never going back to your warm human bed, to that computer you loved so well, to your family or friends. Unless the dragons' homeworld is actually on the specific version of Earth you're from (which is *highly* improbable), this will be your home now, forever and ever, amen.


...Wow. Just... wow. You recline on the rocks as it sweeps over you like vertigo. McDonald's, Coca-Cola, Hershey's chocolate--gone for good.


She's grabbing your arm now, gently. You rear up and tear free of her grip.


"...You never said it was forever." Your words are daggers.


She only says, "It gets cold out here, even for a dragon. Come inside and we'll talk."


She heads in. After awhile, so do you. Where else will you go now? Thus begins the first day of the rest of your life.


Outside, snow begins to fall.

Written by Mr.Peaches on 25 November 2006

Both Long life ahead
Both In the Cave

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