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Many emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

“No one is certain.” He says. “The main guide has 100, but some of them only appear when certain conditions are met so not all them are verified. ”


“100? How deep is it?”


“We think the dungeon actually is elsewhere. Half of the floors are above us. And some of them are accessible from above and below.”


“Are those blobs the only monster in here? Other than the bosses of course?”


“This floor is only slimes. The boss is also a slime but much harder to kill. Of course the second floors are even harder them him.”


“Floors? As in more than one?”


“Yes. Like I said before the stairs go up and down. But there is also a rotation depending on the moon. Today’s are a water based one and an air based one”


“I think I would do better on the second.”


“You would be surprised. The water is breathable. The water one though for us allows us to move up and down. The air one for most of us restricts us to long criss crossing pathways”

Written by catprog on 30 May 2018

Both More Slimes

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